Ithaca is for me the journey, the starting point and the arrival spot at the same time.
The place from which my artistic experiences emerge and structure. 
It is an island within the island of Venice, a place of time and space for my creativity.
Come and discover the place where my ideas take shape!
Welcome to Monica Martin’s Studio

25 Years of Itaca

In June 2024 we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Monica Martin's Studio!
Follow me on social media to stay updated on events, limited editions and special occasions.
Write me for information about my workshops and studio visits.


My studio is open to the public and is located on the island of Giudecca,
within the magnificent setting of the former Convent of Santi Cosma e Damiano.
Here I create watercolours, paintings and engravings:
my themes are very original and fantastic views of Venice.
Here in the atelier you will also find ceramic works:
jewels and sculptures made with enamels and glass, all unique pieces.
I also work on commission.

error: © COPYRIGHT Monica Martin – Itaca Art Studio, All rights reserved